【英語多読】Let’s Meet Australian Birds ~オーストラリアに独特な鳥がたくさんいます~




This is a galah. It is a bird. It is from Australia. It is pink, but its head is white, and its wings are grey. Adult galahs are about 30 centimeters long. They usually live for 20 years, but they can live for 80 years. They live in groups of five hundred to one thousand birds. They like to play, and they are very smart. For example, they can learn to copy words and sounds. Some people have pet galahs. But you must be careful, because they will bite your finger.

This is a kookaburra. It is also a bird. It is white, but its wings are brown and blue. Adult kookaburras are about 40cm long. They usually eat mice, lizards and insects. But sometimes, they take people’s meat from their barbecues outside. Kookaburra families live together, and they all raise the baby kookaburras together. The kookaburra’s call is famous because it sounds like laughter. When you hear this laughter, you know that you are in Australia.

This is an emu. It is a bird too, but it cannot fly because its wings are small. It is the biggest bird in Australia. Some emus are 1.9 meters tall. They have long necks and legs. Their legs are very strong, and they can run fast. They can run at 50km an hour. Also, they can kick. Emus lay big eggs. They are dark green. The male emus sit on the eggs for seven weeks. There was an Emu War in 1932 between emus and humans. Humans tried to kill emus with machine guns. The emus won.


galah – モモイロインコ
wing – 翼
up to – ~まで
centimeters – センチメートル
smart – 頭がいい、賢い
be careful – 気を付ける
bite – 噛む

kookaburra – ワライカワセミ
mice – ねずみ
lizard – トカゲ
insect – 昆虫、虫
barbecue -バーベキュー
raise – 育てる
laughter – 笑い声

emu – エミュー
~km per hour – 時速~キロ
kick – 蹴る
lay – (卵を)産む
male – 雄
machine gun – マシンガン



A) 記事で紹介された鳥の中で、ワライカワセミが一番大きい。
B) モモイロインコは普段80年間生きる。
C) ワライカワセミは人の笑い声を真似る。
D) エミューの雄が卵を孵化させる。

  • Which bird doesn’t fly?
  • Which bird is kept as a pet?
  • Which bird takes meat from people?





内容理解チェック →
D) エミューの雄が卵を孵化させる。

スキャニング →
Which bird doesn’t fly?
The emu [doesn’t fly].

Which bird is kept as a pet?
The galah [is kept as a pet].

Which bird takes meat from people?
The kookaburra [takes meat from people].





Tell me about an animal that lives in Japan.