【英語多読】Staple Food ~オーストラリアの主食って、やはりパンですか?~
“So, you eat bread as your staple food, don’t you?”
Many Japanese people have asked me this. For some reason, they think that Western people eat bread with every meal. Of course, we do eat bread in Australia. Many people eat toast for breakfast, and many people have sandwiches for lunch. However, cereal is a common breakfast too, and pies, salads and soups are all popular choices for lunch.
If we have a staple food, it is potatoes. They are an important part of a traditional White Australian dinner. However, Australians eat food from many different countries, so we eat a variety of staple foods. One day we’ll eat mashed potatoes, the next day we might eat some noodles, the next we might eat pasta, and the day after that we might eat rice.
So, no, I don’t eat bread as my staple food. I eat a variety of staple foods.
as ~ – ~として
staple food – 主食
for some reason – なぜか
Western people – 西洋の人
of course – もちろん
cereal – シリアル
pie – パイ
traditional – 習慣的な
White Australian – 白人系オーストラリア人
mashed potatoes – マッシュポテト
might – ~するかもしれません
the day after that – その次の日
A) じゃがいも
B) パン
C) お米
D) パスタ
- When do Australian people often eat bread?
- What are potatoes an important part of?
- Why do Australian people eat a variety of staple foods?
内容理解チェック →
A) じゃがいも
スキャニング →
When do Australian people often eat bread?
[They often eat bread] for breakfast and/or lunch.
What are potatoes an important part of?
[They are an important part of] a traditional White Australian dinner.
Why do Australian people eat a variety of staple foods?
Because they eat food from many different countries.
What is your favorite staple food? Why?
My staple food is rice.
I ate it every day.
My mother hate beef.
My family usually ate pork and chicken.
Because pork and chicken used to eaten my staple food too.
And my staple drink is coke!
It’s bad for my body!
Haha, my staple drink is tea with milk!
Do you ever eat beef?
Oh, I eat beef.
I often eat gyu-don at Suki-ya.
My mother hate beef’s smell.
But she can eat beef.
My family have been eaten beef sometimes.