【英語多読】Halloween in Australia ~オーストラリアでハロウィーンは人気がない?!~




For many years, Halloween was not popular in Australia. When I was a child, almost no one celebrated it. It was just something that we saw on American TV shows. For one thing, Halloween is an autumn festival, but in Australia October 31 is in the middle of spring. For another, many people believe that Australians should not celebrate an American tradition.

Now, Halloween is becoming more popular in Australia. People who saw Halloween on TV when they were young want to let their children go trick-or-treating. Shops now sell candy for trick-or-treating and pumpkins for making jack-o-lanterns. However, there are still many people who do not want to celebrate Halloween. For this reason, people who will give children candy decorate their houses with an orange balloon or Halloween decorations. This tells children that they are welcome.


no one – だれも~ない
celebrate – 祝う
tv show – テレビ番組
festival – 祭り
tradition – 慣例
let 人~ – 人に~させる
trick-or-treating – 子供が仮装をして、お菓子を貰いに家を訪ねる行事
jack-o-lantern – カボチャちょうちん
decorate – 飾る
balloon – 風船
decoration – 装飾



A) 若いオーストラリア人はアメリカのテレビ番組を見てハロウィーンを知った。
B) ハロウィーンは春の祭りである。
C) ハロウィーンを祝わない人は家に風船を飾ります。
D) 今のオーストラリアでハロウィーンは全体的に祝われている。

  • Why do many people think Australians should not celebrate Halloween?
  • What can you buy in shops now in Australia?
  • How do people tell children that they can come to their house?




内容理解チェック →
A) 若いオーストラリア人はアメリカのテレビ番組を見てハロウィーンを知った。

スキャニング →
Why do many people think Australians should not celebrate Halloween?
[They think Australians should not celebrate Halloween] because they think that Australians should not celebrate an American tradition.
[They think Australians should not celebrate Halloween] because it is an American tradition.

What can you buy in shops now in Australia?
[You can buy] candy for trick-or-treating and pumpkins for making jack-o-lanterns

How do people tell children that they can come to their house?
They decorate their houses with an orange balloon or Halloween decorations.



A) How do you celebrate Halloween?
B) Do you think Halloween should be celebrated in Japan?