【英語多読】Daylight Saving Time ~サマータイムとは?~




Daylight Saving Time (DST) began in Australia on Sunday morning. At 2 o’clock, the time changed by one hour and became 3 o’clock. This happens every year during spring in about 70 countries around the world, including the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

During Daylight Saving Time, the sun rises and sets later in the day. This means that people can spend more time outside after work. They can garden, play with their children, exercise and go shopping. Because people can spend more time in natural light, they may use less electricity too.

However, because the time changes suddenly, people become very tired during the first week of Daylight Saving Time. There are more car accidents and more people get hurt at work during this period. In addition, people do less work because they cannot concentrate well.

In Australia, Daylight Saving Time will continue until fall next year. People will be tired for the next week, but after that they will get used to the new time.


Daylight Saving Time – 夏時間、サマータイム
set – (日が)沈む
garden – ガーデニングをする
electricity – 電気
car accident – 自動車事故
get hurt – 怪我をする、傷つく
concentrate – 集中する
get used to – 慣れる



A) サマータイムの間、日の入りがいつもより遅い。
B) サマータイムの間、人は普段より遅くまで働く。
C) サマータイムの間、電気の使用量が明らかに減る。
D) サマータイムの間、人々は疲れて集中ができない。

  • What season is it in Australia now?
  • Why are there more car accidents during the first week of Daylight Saving Time?
  • When will Daylight Saving Time end in Australia?






内容理解チェック →
A) サマータイムの間、日の入りがいつもより遅い。

スキャニング →
What season is it in Australia now?
[It is] spring.

Why are there more car accidents during the first week of Daylight Saving Time?
[There are more car accidents during the first week of Daylight Saving Time] because people become/are very tired then.

When will Daylight Saving Time end in Australia?
[It will end] in fall [next year].
[It will end] next year.



ところで、「Daylight Saving Time」という言い方が正しいですが、ネーティブスピーカーでsavingにsをつけて「Daylight Savings Time」と呼ぶ人が多いです。

Do you think that Japan should have Daylight Saving Time?