【英語多読】Valentine’s Day ~バレンタインデーは男性にチョコレートを渡す日ではない!~



February 14th is Saint Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Day. It is a day to make the person who you love feel special. Many couples give each other Valentine’s cards and gifts. For gifts, red roses, chocolates, jewelry and stuffed toys are popular choices. Treating your partner to a romantic dinner is common too. Traditionally, men gave women gifts, but now, usually both members of the couple give each other gifts. For some people, Valentine’s Day is a chance to confess to the person that they like. They send their crush a card called a Valentine. In addition, they might ask them, “Will you be my Valentine?” If the person says yes, they go on a date. Valentine’s Day is a good opportunity show your love to people who you care about.


make 人 feel special – 人に特別なものだと思わせる
gift – present、プレゼント、贈り物
jewelry – ジュエリー
stuffed toys – ぬいぐるみ
treat 人 to ~ – 人に~をおごる、ごちそうする
romantic – ロマンチックな
traditionally – 伝統的に、慣例的に
confess – 告白する
crush – 気になる人、好きな人
opportunity – 機会
care about – 大切に思う



A) 好きな人に送るカード、そして恋人。
B) 好きな人に送るカード、そして人の名前。
C) 好きな人にあげるプレゼント、そして恋人。
D) 好きな人にあげるプレゼント、そして人の名前。

  • Who give each other presents on Valentine’s Day?
  • What kind of presents are popular?
  • What do some people do on Valentine’s Day?



内容理解チェック →
A) 好きな人に渡すカード、そして恋人。

スキャニング →

Who give each other presents on Valentine’s Day?
Many couples do.

What kind of presents are popular?
Red roses, chocolate, jewelry and stuffed toys [are].
[Red roses, chocolate, jewelry and stuffed toys [are].]

What do some people do on Valentine’s Day?
They confess to the person they like.
[They send their crush a card [called a Valentine].


How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day in Japan?