【英語多読】School Uniforms in Australia ~オーストラリアの制服~



Students at most schools in Australia must wear a school uniform. The school uniform is chosen by each school. At many private schools in Australia, students wear uniforms like the blazer style Japanese ones. However, the uniform at most public schools is different.

At public schools, the uniform is usually a polo shirt with pants, shorts or a skirt. In winter, a jumper or jacket is worn over the polo shirt. The uniform is in the school colors and the polo shirt and jumper or jacket have the school’s logo on them. Boys can wear pants or shorts, while girls can choose between pants, shorts or a skirt. Girls can also choose to wear the school dress. Students can choose the shoes they wear, too, but they usually must be one color, such as black.

Students in their final year at a school usually wear a special polo shirt and jumper or jacket, which are a different color to other students’. The jumper or jacket has the names of every student in the final grade on the back. On graduation day, when the ceremony has finished, students sign each other’s polo shirts to keep as a reminder of their school lives.

Public school uniforms may not look as fashionable as other uniforms, but they are comfortable, easy to move in and give students freedom to choose what they wear.


uniform – 制服
to choose – 選ぶ、決める (choose-chose-chosen)
polo shirt – ポロシャツ
pants – ズボン
shorts – 短パン
skirt – スカート
jumper – セーター
logo – ロゴ
dress – ワンピース、ドレス
final – 最後の
special – 特別な
grade – 学年、年生
graduation – 卒業
ceremony – 式
to sign – サインを書く (sign-signed-signed)
to keep – (keep-kept-kept)
reminder – 思い出させる物
fashionable – おしゃれ
comfortable – 気心地がいい、心地よい
freedom – 自由


B) 冬に男性はジャケットを着て、女性はセーターを着る。
C) 男性より、女性のほうが制服の選択肢は多い。
D) 女性より、男性のほうが制服の選択肢は多い。

  • Where are uniforms similar to Japanese blazer style uniforms worn?
  • Who can wear shorts or pants?
  • What do Australian students do after their graduation ceremony?






内容理解チェック →
C) 男性より、女性のほうが制服の選択肢は多い。

スキャニング →

Where are uniforms like the Japanese blazer style ones worn?
[They are worn] at private schools [in Australia].

Who can wear shorts or pants?
[Both] girls and boys can.

What do Australian students do after their graduation ceremony?
They sign each other’s polo shirts [to keep as a reminder of their school lives].


A) Describe the school uniform that you wear/wore at your school.
B) Do you think students should have to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?