【英語多読】Netflix ~英語圏で大人気のネットフリックス~



Netflix is a popular video streaming service which is used in over 190 countries around the world. Customers pay a monthly fee to watch as many videos as they like on the service. You can watch it anytime, anywhere, and there are no commercials, so it is popular with young people. There are many popular TV shows and movies from around the world on Netflix. The company makes original content too. Many of its original shows, such as Stranger Things, are big hits. Netflix is an important part of pop culture currently, so if you want to talk to people in English, then I really recommend watching it!


video streaming – 動画配信
service – サービス
over ~ – ~以上
to pay – 払う、支払う (pay-paid-paid)
monthly fee – 月額
anytime – いつでも
anywhere -どこでも
commercial – コマーシャル、CM
company – 会社
original – オリジナルの
original content – コンテンツ
pop culture – ポップカルチャー
currently – 現在
to recommend – 勧める (recommend-recommended-recommended)


A) ネットフリックスは、英語圏の動画コンテンツを配信しています。
B) ネットフリックスは世界中の動画コンテンツを配信しています。
C) ネットフリックスは、音楽を配信しています。
D) ネットフリックスは、オリジナルコンテンツしか配信しません。

  • Why is Netflix popular with younger people?
  • What can you watch on Netflix?
  • What does Netflix do besides allowing people to watch videos?



内容理解チェック →
B) ネットフリックスは世界中の動画コンテンツを配信しています。

スキャニング →

Why is Netflix popular with younger people?
[Because] you can watch anything, anytime, anywhere, and there are no commercials.

What can you watch on Netflix?
You can many popular TV shows and movies from around the world.
[You can watch original content made by Netflix.]

What does Netflix do besides allowing people to watch videos?
It makes original content.



A) Do you think video streaming is a good idea? Why or why not?
B) Do you think it’s okay for one video streaming service to be so much more popular than others?