【英語多読】The Dracula Sneeze ~意外と知らない、海外の咳とくしゃみのエチケット~



You need to sneeze, but you’re not wearing a mask and you don’t have a tissue. What do you do? Many people sneeze into their hands. However, this is bad. If you don’t wash your hands, you will spread germs on everything that you touch. Nowadays, people in English-speaking countries are told to cough and sneeze into their elbows. This is called the Dracula sneeze, or vampire sneeze, because it looks like the vampire character Dracula’s famous pose. Please try the Dracula sneeze this cold and flu season.


to sneeze – くしゃみをする (sneeze-sneezed-sneezed)
sneeze – くしゃみ
tissue – ティッシュ
to spread – 広げる、(ばい菌・細菌を)うつす (spread-spread-spread)
germs – 細菌
nowadays – このごろは、近頃
English-speaking countries – 英語圏
to cough – 咳をする (cough-coughed-coughed)
cough – 咳
elbow – 肘 (この場合は、肘裏)
Dracula – ドラキュラ (キャラクターの名前)
vampire – 吸血鬼、ヴァンパイア
pose – ポーズ


A) 手を洗っても、細菌を物にうつします。
B) 英語圏では、肘裏にくしゃみと咳をすることが主流です。
C) 英語圏では、肘裏にくしゃみと咳をするように言われています。
D) 日本では、マスクにくしゃみをすることが主流です。

  • Who sneezes into their hands?
  • What will happen if you don’t wash your hands after sneezing in them?
  • Why is sneezing into the elbow called the Dracula sneeze?



内容理解チェック →
C) 英語圏では、肘裏にくしゃみと咳をするように言われています。

スキャニング →

Who sneezes into their hands?
Many people do.

What will happen if you don’t wash your hands after sneezing in them?
You will spread germs on everything that you touch.

Why is sneezing into the elbow called the Dracula sneeze?
Because it looks like the vampire character Dracula’s famous pose.


A) Introduce Japanese hygiene (衛生) etiquette to a person who is new to Japan.
B) Do you think wearing a mask when you have a cold is a good idea? Why or why not?