【英語多読】Binge-Watching ~現代子のテレビ番組の見方、ビンジ・ウォッチングとは?〜



“Binge-watching” is a relatively new word. It became popular around 2013 and was added to the Oxford dictionary in June last year. To “binge” means to do something too much. For example, “binge eating” is eating too much food, and “binge drinking” is drinking too much alcohol. Similarly, “binge-watching” means watching many episodes of a TV show in one sitting. However, there is no exact definition of binge-watching.

For some people, watching just two episodes of a TV show is binge-watching. For others, binge-watching means watching six or more episodes at once. Either way, the act has become more common since Netflix and other video streaming services became popular. These services allow people to watch as many episodes of a series as they like, so it is easy to watch “just one more episode,” then another, and another, and another. Some people feel guilty after binge-watching, but many people enjoy it and choose to do it often.


relatively – 比較的(に)
Oxford dictionary – オックスフォード英語大辞典
similarly – 同様に、類似して
episode – エピソード
in one sitting – 一回で、一気に
exact – 明確な、正確な、厳密な
definition – 定義
at once – 一回で、一気に
either way – どちらにしても
Netflix – ネットフリックス
video streaming service – 動画配信サービス
as ~ as one likes – 好きなだけ~の
guilty – 後ろめたい

to binge – 度を過ごした楽しみ、何かをし過ぎる



A) 2013年に作られた単語である
B) 1つの番組を6エピソード以上一気にみること
C) ネットフリックスが人気になった原因である
D) 多くの人が楽しんでいる

  • When was binge-watching added to the dictionary?
  • What is binge-watching?
  • Why is binge-watching easy to do when using Netflix and other video streaming services?




内容理解チェック →
D) 多くの人が楽しんでいる

スキャニング →

When was binge-watching added to the dictionary?
[It was added [to the dictionary]] in [June] 2018 (/last year).

What is binge-watching?
[Binge-watching is/It’s] watching many episodes of a TV show in one sitting.

Why is binge-watching easy to do when using Netflix and other video streaming services?
[Because] they allow people to watch as many episodes of a series as they like.


ところで、昔は映画のシリーズを一気見することを「movie marathon」と呼んでいました。

Do you think it is good for people to watch TV every day? Why or why not?