【英語多読】Trick-or-Treating ~ハロウィーンの有名な行事、トリックオアトリート~



In America on October 31st, children dress up in costumes. Some dress up as monsters, such as ghosts, zombies, or vampires, and others dress up as their favorite characters. They go to people’s houses between 5:30pm and 9:30pm. When someone opens the door, the children say “trick-or-treat!” Trick means the children do something bad. Treat means the children get candy. After children say this greeting, they usually get candy. If they don’t get candy, they do something to the house. For example, they throw eggs and toilet paper at it. This is called trick-or-treating.


to dress up – 扮装する (dress up-dressed up-dressed up)
as – として
monster – 怪物、化け物
ghost – 幽霊
zombie – ゾンビー
vampire – 吸血鬼、ヴァンパイア
trick – いたずら、悪
treat – (思わぬ)喜びを与えるもの
to mean – 意味する (mean-meant-meant)
greeting – 挨拶
throw – 投げる
toilet paper – トイレットペーパー


A) トリックオアトリートは1日中行われる行事です。
B) トリックオアトリートのトリックは、トリックを見せてほしいという意味です。
C) トリックオアトリートは挨拶です。
D) トリックオアトリートでお菓子を貰わないと、子供は訪問した家を壊す。

  • What do children dress up as?
  • When do children say “trick-or-treat"?
  • What do children do to the house if they don’t get candy?



内容理解チェック →
C) トリックオアトリートは挨拶です。

スキャニング →

What do children dress up as?
Some [children] dress up as monsters, such as ghosts, zombies, or vampires, and others dress up as their favorite characters.

When do children say “trick-or-treat"?
[They say it ] when someone opens the door.

What do children do to the house if they don’t get candy?
They throw eggs and toilet paper at it.


それでは、今日のライティング課題です。What would you do if a trick-or-treater came to your house? コメント欄に英語で書いてみよう!