Would You Rent Your Clothes? ~普段着のレンタル~



It is common for people in Japan to rent special clothing such as suits or kimonos for ceremonies. However, some companies in the US, the UK and China now provide a clothing rental service for daily wear. You pay a monthly fee to rent several pieces of clothing. When you want different clothing, you simply swap the items you’re renting with new ones. The company then cleans the items and rents them out to different people. People can keep up with the latest fashion trends, and it’s good for the environment because less clothing is thrown away. Maybe everyone will rent their clothing in the future.


common – 普通、よくある
rent – 金を払って借りる
company – 会社
provide – 提供する
rental service – 貸し出しサービス
daily wear – 普段に着る服
monthly fee – 月額料金
simply – 単に
swap A with B – AをBと交換する
item – 服の1点
rent ~ out – お金を貰って貸し出す
trends – 流行り
less – より少ない
throw away – 捨てる


A) 毎月決まった額を払うといくつかの服を好きな期間借りれる。
B) 服を返却する前に、洗う必要がある。
C) 捨てられた服が綺麗にされて、貸し出しされる。
D) 新しい服が欲しくなるまではお金を払わなくていい。

  • What kind of clothing do people in Japan rent?
  • What do you do when you want different clothing?
  • Why is clothing rental good for the environment?



内容理解チェック →
A) 毎月決まった額を払うといくつかの服を好きな期間借りれる。

スキャニング →
What kind of clothing do people in Japan rent?
They rent special clothing such as suits and kimonos [for ceremonies].

What do you do when you want different clothing?
You [simply] swap the items you’re renting with new ones.

Why is clothing rental good for the environment?
[It is good for the environment] because less clothing is thrown away.


A) Do you think renting everyday clothes is a good idea? Why or why not?
B) Would you rent your clothes? Why or why not?